Numbers 6

Nazirite Vow Restictions

(1) No Grapes

The Existing One talked to Moses and said, 

“Tell the Israelites that whenever one of them takes the Nazirite vow (an epic vow where individuals dedicate themselves to the Existing One), that person needs to abstain from wine and fermented drinks. [“Nazarite” means ‘set apart’ or ‘devoted.’] Also, that person shouldn’t ingest grapes, raisins, or grape juice. For the entire time he lives separately, he shouldn’t eat anything produced by a grape vine, including its seeds and the skin. 

(5) No Haircuts

“He shouldn’t cut his hair for the entire time he lives out his vow of separation. He needs to be set apart until he finishes his time commitment for being dedicated to the Existing One. He should let his hair grow long the entire time. 

(6) No Exposure to Corpses

“For the entire time that he sets himself apart for the Existing One, he should avoid going anywhere near a dead person so he doesn’t make himself impure. He shouldn’t even go to the showing of his immediate family members if they die, because he wears a crown on his head of being set apart for God. For the entire length of time he’s separated, he is set apart to the Existing One. 

(9) Accidental Exposure to Corpses

“But if someone suddenly dies next to him and defiles his long hair of dedication, he’ll need to shave it when he becomes clean on the 7th day. Then on the 8th day he needs to bring 2 doves or 2 young pigeons to the priest at the doorway of My meeting tent. The priest will use one as an offering for clashing against Me, and the other as a roasted offering. They’ll be used to cover for him after clashing against Me by being exposed to a dead body. On that same day, he’ll need to consecrate his head and dedicate his time as a Nazirite to the Existing One. He’ll need to bring a one-year-old male lamb for a clash offering. All the time he spent being set apart up to that point will be nullified since he became defiled. 

(13) Offerings for Completing Nazirite Vow

Here are the rules for when a Nazirite completes his time of separation. He needs to bring an offering to My meeting tent’s doorway and present it to Me. Here are the offerings he needs to make:     

• Roasted offering: an unimpaired one-year-old male lamb 

• Offering for clashing with Me: an unimpaired one-year-old female lamb

• Peace offering: an unimpaired ram

• Grain offering

• Drink offering

• A basket of yeast-free cakes made with fine flour mixed with oil

• Yeast-free wafers with oil spread on them

The priest needs to present all those items to Me and offer the offering for clashing as well as the roasted offering. Then the priest needs to offer the ram as a sacrificial peace offering to the Existing One along with the basket of yeast-free cakes. The priest also needs to offer the grain offering and drink offering. Then the Nazirite needs to shave his head at My meeting tent’s doorway, take his dedicated hair, and burn it in the fire under the peace offerings. Then the priest needs to take one of the ram’s shoulders after it’s been boiled, one yeast-free cake, and one yeast-free wafer, then hand them to the Nazirite. The priest needs to wave them through the air as a wave offering in front of Me. Those items will be set apart for the priest along with the breast meat that was waved through the air and the thigh that was lifted up in the air. After that, the Nazirite will be allowed to drink wine again. 

(21) Nazirite Vow Conclusion

“This concludes the instructions for Nazirites who vow to live set apart as an offering to the Existing One. Living that way will be in addition to whatever else they want to give. Whatever each person vows, is what that person should do, following these instructions during his time of separation. 

(22) Priests Should Bless Israelites

The Existing One spoke to Moses another and said, 

“Tell Aaron and his descendants to bless Israel’s descendants, using these words:

‘The Existing One bless you and keep you close. The Existing One shine His presence on you and have favor on you. The Existing One lift up His face to you and give you wholeness.’

“That will stamp My name on Israel’s descendants, and then I’ll bless them.”


Numbers 7


Numbers 5