Numbers 4

(1) Counting the Kohathites

Then the Existing One told Moses,

“Count Kohath’s descendants, who are a subdivision of the Levites. Count them by families according to their patriarchs’ households. Count all of them who are aged 30–50 who can enter the service and work in My meeting tent. I want them to work there with the sacred things.

(5) Priests’ Responsibilities + Kohathites’ Responsibilities

“When the Israeli caravan moves out, Aaron and his descendants will be responsible for taking down the screen curtain and cover the chest containing the documents of My commitment to you. They’ll need to lay a leather skin over it and spread a purple cloth over it before inserting its poles.

“And for the table where you set out My food, they’ll need to spread a purple cloth over it. On top of the table, they should put the dishes, pans, sacrifice bowls, the jars they use for offering Me drinks, and the food that they perpetually leave out for Me. Then they need to spread a purple cloth over it and a leather skin before inserting its poles.

“And for the lampstand used for light, they are to take a purple cloth and cover it along with its lamps, snuffers, fire pans, and all the related oil equipment. Then they’ll need to take it and it’s equipment and put it all into a leather covering before putting it on it’s carrying poles.

“And for the golden altar, they are to spread a purple cloth over it and cover it with a leather skin before inserting its poles.

“And for all the equipment they use for servicing the sanctuary, they are to put it all in a purple cloth, cover it with a leather skin, and put it on the carrying poles.

“Then they need to take the ashes out of the altar and spread a purple cloth over it. Then they need to put all its related equipment on top of it, including the fire pans, forks, shovels, basins, and altar equipment. Then they are to spread a leather skin over all of it and insert its poles.

“When Aaron and his descendants have finished covering all the sacred equipment, then Kohath’s descendants are to come and carry them. That way, they won’t have to die from directly touching the sacred objects. That sums up everything in My meeting tent that Kohath’s descendants are to carry.

(16) Eleazar’s Responsibilities

“Aaron’s son, Eleazar, will be responsible for the oil used in the lights, the incense, the perpetual grain present, and the anointing oil. He’ll be responsible for God’s home and everything in it, including the sanctuary and all its equipment.”

(17) They’ll Die if they Look at the Sacred Objects

Then the Existing One told Moses and Aaron,

“Don’t let the Kohathites be severed from the Levites. The Kohathites need to be careful as they handle all these sacred objects, so they can stay alive instead of dying. Aaron and his descendants will assign each of them their jobs, but the Kohathites shouldn’t ever enter or look at the sacred things. They’ll die even if they catch a brief glimpse of them.”

(21) Gershonites’ Responsibilities

Then the Existing One told Moses,

“Count all the descendants of Gershon, grouping them by their families and by their patriarchs’ households. Count all of them who are ages 30–50, enlisting them to serve in My meeting tent. The Gershonites will be responsible for carrying:

• The curtains for My home

• My meeting tent with its covering and the leather covering that goes on top of it

• The screen for the doorway of My meeting tent

• The hangings for the courtyard

• The screen for the entrance doorway of the courtyard that surrounds my home and the altar

• Any cords and equipment they’ll need for their service

“They’ll take care of everything that needs to be done regarding those things, and they’ll need to do it whenever Aaron and his sons give the command. Assign these responsibilities to them as their duties. Those are their duties, and they’ll report to Aaron and his son, Ithamar.

(29) Merarians’ Responsibilities

“Count all the descendants of Merari, grouping them by their families and by their patriarchs’ households. Count all of them who are ages 30–50, enlisting them to serve in My meeting tent. Here are all the things Merari’s descendants will be responsible for:

• The boards for My house along with its bars, columns, and bases

• The pillars surrounding the courtyard with their bases, pegs, and cords

• All their equipment with all their maintenance

Those are the responsibilities for Merari’s descendants regarding the meeting tent. Take all the items they need to carry, and assign items to each of them by name. They’ll report to Aaron’s son, Ithamar.”

(34) Kohathite Total

So Moses, Aaron, and the other leaders counted the Kohathites like God requested. They counted 2,750 men who were between ages 30–50, which accounts for are the enlisted Kohathite men.

(38) Gerhsonite Total

Gershon’s descendants were counted by their families and their patriarchs households. They had 2,630 men between ages 30–50, so Moses and Aaron counted them and enlisted them to serve God’s meeting tent like the Existing One has requested.

(42)Merarian Total

Merari’s descendants were counted by their families and their patriarchs households. They had 3,200 men between ages 30–50, so Moses and Aaron counted them and enlisted them to serve God’s meeting tent like the Existing One has requested.

(45) Grand Total

Moses, Aaron, and the other Israeli leaders finished counting all the Levites by their families and their patriarchs’ households. They counted all the men aged 30–50 who could enter the service of carrying God’s meeting tent. Altogether, they enlisted 8,580 like the Existing One had requested.

This concludes all the enlisted men.


Numbers 5


Numbers 3