Nehemiah 1

[Jerusalem Ruins: Image by XeresNelro]

Nehemiah hears about Israel’s shame

These are the words of Nehemiah (Hacaliah’s son).

In the month of Chislev in the 20th year, I was in Susa (the citadel) when Hanani (one of my brothers) came with certain men from Judah. I asked them who escaped and survived Jerusalem’s exile. They answered, “There’s a remnant that survived the exile an now lives in the province, but they are very troubled and live shamefully. Jerusalem’s wall was broken down, and its gates were destroyed in a fire.”

Nehemiah mourns and prays

As soon as I heard these words, I sat down and cried for days, fasting and praying to heaven’s God. I said,

“Oh heaven’s God, the Existing One, you’re a great and awesome God who keeps his commitments and steadily loves those who love you and follow you. Look at your servant and hear the prayers I’ve been praying for Israel night and day. I’ve been admitting the ways Israel has been offending you. Even I have offended you along with my entire family. We’ve acted corruptly against you and haven’t kept your orders, instructions, and rules that you gave through your servant Moses. Remember how you told him, ‘If you are unfaithful, then I will scatter you throughout the world, but if you come back to me and follow my orders, then I will gather you together and bring you to the place I’ve chosen as my home.’ With your great power and strong hand, you redeemed your servants and your people. Oh Master, hear your servant’s prayer and listen to your servants who gladly respect you. Give your servant success today and give him mercy in the sight of this man.”

I was the king’s cupbearer.


Nehemiah 2


Ezra 10