Malachi 4

(1) Good will Burn the Bad and Free the Good

“Be on the lookout, because that day is approaching, and it’s burning like a fireplace. All the people who are arrogant or immoral are like sawdust, and that day will set them ablaze,”

Says the Existing One of armies. 

“That day will leave them without any roots or branches.

“But for those of you who honor my reputation, there will be a sunrise of justice and rightness that brings healing. You’ll walk away from it skipping around like young cows who were just let out of their stalls. You’ll walk all over the immoral people. They’ll be like ashes under the soles of your feet on the day I’m preparing,”

Says the Existing One of armies. 

(4) Follow God’s Instructions

“Remember the instructions that My servant, Moses, gave you. Make sure you even remember the instructions and procedures I gave him on Mount Sinai for the entire country of Israel. 

(5) God’s Spokesperson will Restore Intimacy

“Keep watch, because I’ll send you Elijah, my spokesperson, before the Existing One’s intense and terrible day comes. Elijah will turn the hearts of fathers to their children, and children to their fathers. That way, I won’t come and strike the world with destruction. 


Galatians 1


Malachi 3