Luke 21

Sacrificial giving vs. giving out of surplus

When Jesus saw the rich making donations to the temple as well as a poor widow donating two pennies, he said,

“I assure you that this poor widow put in more than all of them, because they give out of their surplus, but in her poverty, she gave all that she had to live on.”

Temple will be destroyed

Some people were commenting on the precious stones and beautiful gifts that decorated the temple, so Jesus said,

“Regarding these things you see, there will come a day when they’ll be torn down so that there won’t even be one stone left on top of another.”

Wars, earthquakes, pandemics, and famines signal the end

They asked him when that would happen, and what the sign would be when those things were about to occur. Jesus answered them,

“Make sure you aren’t misled, because lots of people will claim to come on my behalf, saying ‘I am he,’ and ‘the time is almost here.’ Don’t get behind them. When you hear about wars and instabilities, don’t be scared, because that will need to happen first, but the end won’t come immediately after that.”

Countries will rise against each other, and so will empires. There will be massive earthquakes. There will be pandemics and famines in various places. There will be horrifying things and massive signs from heaven.

Christ’s followers will be hated, but endurance produces life

But before those things happen, they will capture you and abuse you, handing you over to the collectors and prisons, and bringing you kings and governors because of my reputation. It will turn out to be an opportunity for you to share what you’ve witnessed. Make up your minds not to plan a defense for yourselves beforehand, because I will supply you with intelligence and the right words to say so that your opponents won’t be able to refute.

Even your parents, siblings, and friends will betray you, and have some of you killed. Everyone will hate you because of my reputation, yet not a single hair on your head will be lost. Your endurance is what will allow you to gain your lives.

Jerusalem will be steamrolled

When you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, you’ll know that her end is near. That’s when everyone in Judea should flee to the mountains and everyone in the city should leave, and everyone in the country should stay out of the city. That will be a time of vengeance so that everything that has been written will be fulfilled.

Yikes to anyone who’s pregnant or nursing in those days. The earth will be in anguish, while the people become recipients of fury. They will fall in battle and will be held captive by all the countries. Jerusalem will be steamrolled by the non-Jews until the the season of the non-Jews is completed.

Sun, stars, & ocean will be upset

The sun, moon, and stars will show signs while countries on earth will be in anguish, confused by the roaring of the ocean and its waves. People will be scared to death as they anticipate the things that the world has coming, because heaven’s power will be shaken.

Then everyone will see the strong and glorious Culmination of Humanity coming in a cloud. When these things start taking place, pick yourselves up and lift your heads, because the ransom to release you is about to be paid.”

Live anticipating the end

Then he gave them this illustration:

“Look at the trees: when they start sprouting leaves, you know that summer will be here soon. In the same way, when you see these things taking place, recognize that God’s empire will be here soon. I assure you that this era won’t come to an end until everything happens. Heaven and earth will come to an end, but my teaching won’t.

Be alert so that your hearts don’t get weighed down by self indulgence, drunkenness, and the world’s anxieties. That day will present itself to everyone on the face of the earth, so don’t let it catch you by surprise like a trap. Always stay vigilant and pray that you are able to escape everything that’s about to take place and stand before the Culmination of Humanity.”

Jesus taught in the temple during the day, and then he would Go to Mount Olivet in the evening where he would spend the night. Everyone would wake up early in the morning to listen to him in the temple.


Luke 22


Luke 20