Luke 12

Secrets will be revealed

At one point when so many thousands of people had gathered that they were stepping on each other, Jesus started telling his students,

“Watch out for the hypocrisy of the religious leaders which permeates like yeast. Everything that’s covered up will be exposed, and everything that’s hidden will be made known. Whatever you say in the dark will be heard in the light, and whatever you whisper in private will be shouted on the rooftops.

Side with God

Be afraid of God because he can end you

Friends, don’t be scared of those who kill the body but can’t go any further. I’ll tell you who you should be afraid of: be afraid of the one who can kill and then is also authorized to throw into the trash heap. Yes, be scared of him!

God values you

Can’t you buy 5 sparrows with 2 cents? Yet God doesn’t forget a single one of them. Even the hairs on your head are numbered. Don’t be scared, because you are more valuable than many, many sparrows.

Side with Jesus, and he’ll side with you

If anyone is of one mind with me in front of mankind, then the Culmination of Humanity will be of one mind with him in front of God’s messengers. But whoever disowns me in front of mankind will be disowned in front of God’s messengers.

The Holy Spirit will guide you, so don’t insult it

Whoever talks about the Culmination of Humanity will be let off the hook, but whoever insults the Sacred Wind won’t be forgiven.

When you get brought before the church authorities, don’t worry about what to say or how to defend yourself, because the Sacred Wind will teach you what to say in that very moment.”

There’s more to life than money

Then someone in the crowd said,

“Teacher, tell my brother to split the family inheritance with me.”

But he replied,

“Who appointed me to be your judge or mediator? Watch out for all kinds of greed, because even if you have a lot, your life doesn’t consist of your belongings.”

Be rich regarding God

Then he told them an illustration, saying,

“There was a rich man had who had a farm that produced more crops than he knew what to do with, so he thought to himself,

‘I know! I’ll tear down my barns and build bigger ones so that I’ll enough room to store all my grains and produce. Then I’ll tell myself to stop working, eat, drink, and be happy because I’ll have enough to last me for years.’

But God told him,

‘You idiot, this very night your soul will be demanded back from you, and then who will own everything you’ve accumulated?’

That’s what it’s like for whoever accumulates riches for himself but fails to accumulate riches in regards to God.”

Work for God’s empire instead of earthly concerns

He told his students

“That’s why I tell you not to worry about your life regarding what you’ll eat and the clothes you’ll wear. Life is more than food and the body is more than clothing. Think about the ravens: they don’t plant or harvest and they don’t have pantries or barns, yet God feeds them. How much more valuable are you than the birds!

Which one of you can add a single moment to your lifespan from worrying? If you can’t even do that tiny thing, then why do you worry about the future? Think about how the lilies grow: they don’t work or sew, yet I guarantee you that not even Solomon in all of his splendor clothed himself like one of these. If God clothes the plants which are alive today and get thrown into the oven tomorrow, then how much more will he clothe you? You guys have so little trust! Stop striving after food and drink and stop worrying, because those are the things the rest of the world chases after and your Father knows that you need them. Strive after his empire and all these other things will be given to you on top that. Don’t be scared, little flock, because your Dad is delighted to give you the empire.

Calibrate your heart by giving to the poor

Sell your belongings and give to the poor. Make wallets for yourselves that don’t wear out: an unfailing vault in heaven that can’t be stolen and never deteriorates. Your heart will be wherever your valuables are.

Be ready for the Master’s return

Be ready and keep your lights on. Be like someone who waits for his master to return from a wedding reception so that he can immediately open the door for him when he knocks. When the master returns, whichever slaves he finds to be alert will be happy. Yes, I guarantee you that he will prepare himself to serve, seat his master at the table, and wait on him. Even if he comes late at night or early in the morning and finds them prepared, those slaves will be blessed.

You can be sure that if the homeowner would have known what time the thief was coming, he wouldn’t have let his house be broken into. You should also be ready, because the Culmination of Humanity is coming at a time when you wouldn’t expect.”

Good servants get promoted & bad servants get beaten

Peter said, “Master, does this illustration only apply to us, or to everyone else too?” And the Master said,

“Who is the reliable and sensible servant that the master will put in charge of feeding his other servants? When he returns, if the master finds one his slaves already doing this, that slave will be blessed. I guarantee you that he will put that person in charge of his entire estate. But if that slave says in his heart,

‘My master won’t come back for a long time,’

and begins abusing the younger slaves, eating, drinking, and getting drunk, then his master will show up at a time when he least expects it, rip him to shreds, and station him to a section with the untrustworthy. That slave who knew his master’s wishes but failed to prepare himself and carry out those wishes will receive a significant beating. But if a slave does something worthy of a beating because he wasn’t aware of his masters wishes, then that slave will only receive a small beating. If anyone has been given a lot, then a lot will also be expected from him. If the Master entrusts someone with a lot, then the Master will require a lot from him.

Jesus is polarizing

I came to light the world on fire, and I wish it were already burning. I have to be immersed, and I will be pressed in on from every side until it is finished. Did you think I came to grant peace to the world? I assure you that I did not, but rather division. From now on, if there are five members of one household, they will be divided: three against two, and two against three. They’ll be divided: father against son and son against father; mother against daughter and daughter against mother; mother-in-law against daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law.”

Read the signs pointing to Jesus

He also told the crowds,

“When you see a cloud forming in the west, you immediately know that rain is coming (and then it rains). When you notice a south wind blowing, you know that it will be a hot day (and so it is). You guys are like actors on a stage! You know how to interpret the appearance of the earth and sky, but why don’t you interpret this moment in time?

Make an effort to settle with Jesus before judgment day

Why don’t you distinguish what is right? While you’re on your way to the courthouse, make an effort to settle with your opponent so that he doesn’t drag you before the judge who turns you over to the office who throws you into prison. I assure you, you won’t get out of there until you have paid the very last cent.”


Luke 13


Luke 11