Leviticus 24

God requests light every day & bread every Sabbath

The Existing One said to Moses,

“Tell the Israelites to bring you pure olive oil so that you can use it to keep a lamp burning continually. Aaron should put it outside the veil of the testimony to burn before the Existing One every evening to morning. The lamps should be on the lampstand of pure gold.

“You should use fine flour to bake 12 loaves of bread (using 4.4 liters of flour for each loaf), and set them in 2 piles of six on the table of pure gold in front of the Existing One. You should put pure frankincense on each pile to compliment the bread as an offering of food to the Existing One. Aaron should present this regularly every Sabbath day as Israel’s promise forever. Aaron and the priests can eat it in a sacred place since it’s a portion set apart specifically for him as his payment from the Existing One’s food offering.”

Man curses God

Now one man who had an Israelite mother and Egyptian father went and fought an Israelite in the camp. This man uttered a curse against the Existing One, taking God’s reputation lightly, so they brought him to Moses. His mother’s name was Shelomith (Dibri’s daughter from the tribe of Dan). So they arrested him until they could tell what the Existing One wanted to do about it.

God orders the man to be stoned

The Existing One told Moses, “Take the man who cursed me out of the camp, have everyone who heard him place their hands on his head, and then have everyone stone him. Tell the Israelites that whoever treats his God flippantly will bear the weight of his own offense. Whoever speaks irreverently about the Existing One’s reputation will most definitely be put to death. The entire congregation should stone him. Whoever disrespects the Existing One should be put to death no matter if that person is a local or a visitor.

Life for life

“Whoever takes another person’s life should be killed. Whoever kills an animal should replace it with another animal. If anyone injures his neighbor, that same injury should be given to him (bone for bone, eye for eye, tooth for tooth). Whoever kills an animal should repay it, and whoever kills a person should be put to death. This rule should be the same rule for your locals and your visitors, because I am the Existing One your God.”

Israelites stone the man

So Moses told this message to the Israelites, and they brought that man outside the camp and stoned him, thus following the orders that the Existing One gave to Moses.


Leviticus 25


Leviticus 23