Leviticus 17

God bans demon sacrifice

The Existing One told Moses,

“Tell Aaron, the priests, and all of Israel that if any Israelite kills an ox, lamb, or goat (inside the camp or outside it) without offering it to the Existing One in front of the tabernacle, then he’ll become bloodguilty. He shed blood and should be cut off from his people. This is so that the Israelites will bring their sacrifices to the Existing One and the priest and sacrifice them as peace offering to the Existing One. The priest should throw its blood on the Existing One’s altar at the meeting tent’s entrance and burn the fat as a fragrance to the Existing One. The shouldn’t sacrifice any more goats to the demons they whore after. This should be a custom of theirs throughout the generations.

“Tell them that if any of them or their visitors sacrifice a burt offering anywhere besides my meeting tent, that man should be cut off from his people.

God bans eating blood

“If any Israelite or visitor eats any blood, I will oppose that person and cut him off from his people. That’s because the body’s life is in the blood, and I’ve provided it on the altar to make amends for your souls. Blood is the thing that makes amends through the life. That’s why I don’t want the Israelites or any of their visitors eating blood.d

“Any Israelite or visitor who hunts an animal or bird for food should pour out its blood and cover it with dirt. Every animal’s life is its blood, and its blood is its life. That’s why I don’t want the Israelites eating blood: because its life is its blood. Whoever eats it should be cut off. Anyone who eats meat from an animal that died naturally or was killed by other animals should wash his clothes, take a bath, and be unclean until the evening (this applies to Israelites and any visitors too). Then he’ll be clean again. But if he doesn’t wash his clothes and take bath, then he’ll carry his wickedness.”


Leviticus 18


Leviticus 16