James 3

Our words seem insignificant, but they can do a lot of damage

My fellow Christians, very few of you should become teachers because teachers will receive a more intense hearing when they’re put on trial. We all stumble in so many different ways. Our words are an expression of our hearts, so whoever can avoid stumbling in their words has reached perfection and is capable of taming the entire body. We can make horses obey us and steer their entire bodies just by putting a tiny bit into their mouths. And even though ships are so massive and are propelled by such unruly winds, captains can steer them wherever desire just by using a tiny little rudder. In the same way, the tongue likes to brag in really big ways even though it is such a small body part.

It just takes one tiny flame to start an entire forest fire. The tongue is like that tiny flame that ignites an entire world of evil. Out of all our body parts, the tongue was appointed to be the one that defiles the entire rest of the body. The tongue is set on fire by hell, and it sets fire to the course of our lives. The human race has tamed every species of bird, beast, reptile, and sea creature, yet no one can tame the tongue. It’s unruly, evil, and full of deadly poison.

Blessings and curses don’t come from the same source

We use it to praise our master and Father, but we also use to to curse people who were molded after God. The same mouth spouts both blessing and cursing. My fellow believers, it must not be this way. Does a spring spout both clean water and dirty water from the same opening? Can a fig tree grow olives, or can a grape vine produce figs? No, and a body of salt water can’t produce drinking water either.

2 sources of wisdom

Which ones of you are talented and wise? That person’s actions should exemplify good behavior along with the kind of gentleness that comes from being wise. But if you harbor bitter jealousy or selfish ambition in your heart, then don’t let your ego keep you from admitting that reality. That kind of intelligence doesn’t come from above—it comes from the natural world, just like that of demons. Wherever jealousy and selfish ambition exist there will also be havoc and all kinds of pettiness. But the kind of wisdom that comes from above is first undefiled, then peace-seeking, fair, reasonable, compassionate, well-behaved, confident, and genuine. Whoever works toward making peace is planting seeds of peace that will grow into righteousness.


James 4


James 2