James 1

To the twelve tribes who are dispersed abroad,

Greetings from James, a slave of both God and Master Jesus, the Chosen One.

Temptation builds character

Fellow Christians, whenever you face any kind of temptation, look at it as an absolute delight, because that kind of dependence on God develops endurance. Let that endurance have its full effect so that you can be perfected, reach completion, and have everything you need.

Ask God for help

If you need more wisdom, then ask God, and he’ll grant it since he generously gives to everyone without reprimanding them. But you need to ask confidently without having divided thoughts, because people who’s minds are divided are like waves being driven and tossed around by the wind. Those people can’t expect to get anything from the Master, because their minds are divided, and they are unstable in all their ways.

Life’s temptations are temporary

Impoverished Christians should take pride in their elevated status, while rich people should cherish their lowly status since they’ll pass away like a blooming flower. The sun’s scorching heat withers plants causing their flowers to fall off and destroying their beauty. Just like the flower, rich people fade away right in the middle of their journeys.

Giving in to sin produces death; resisting it produces life

Whoever patiently endures temptation finds happiness, because when he passes the test he’ll be crowned with life just like the Master promised for those who love him. When you’re being tempted, you shouldn’t say “God is testing me,” because God isn’t tempted by evil and he himself doesn’t tempt anyone. Each person is tempted when he gets pulled away and allured by his own desire. When desire is conceived, it becomes pregnant with sin... and when sin is complete, it gives birth to death. My cherished fellow Christians, don’t be led astray: every gift that’s beneficial and truly satisfying comes from our Father who is full of light. He is constant, and shadows are never cast on him. He gave birth to us by choosing to show us correct philosophy, so that we would become the prototypes of his new creation.

God’s philosophy is beneficial if implemented

My cherished fellow Christians, even though you already know all of this, please listen eagerly and avoid speaking impulsively. Human impulse doesn’t produce the kind of righteousness that God has. So put away the abundance of filth and wickedness, and gently accept the philosophy planted inside of you which has the ability to heal your souls. But make sure you actually carry out that philosophy instead of just hearing it and misjudging yourselves. If you only hear the philosophy and never carry it out, that would be like looking into a mirror, seeing how disheveled you are, and then walking away completely ignoring the state of your condition. But if you gaze deeply into the perfect scriptures (which lead to freedom)... and you stick close to them... and you don't forget what they say... and you actually implement their teachings... then you will be happy no matter what you do.

Help others & don’t be corrupted

If you think you serve God but don’t restrain your language, then you are only deceiving yourself and your worship is worthless. To our Dad, pure and uncorrupted worship looks like this: caring for the neglected and forsaken in their affliction and to keep yourself from becoming tainted by the world.


James 2


Psalm 34 (Rhyming)