Genesis 49

Israel Blesses His 12 Sons

Israel summoned his sons and said,

“Gather around so I can tell you what to expect in the days to come. Listen carefully.

Reuben, you are my firstborn, my strength, and the beginning of my empire. Your dignity abounds, and so does your strength. But you’re as reckless as water, and you won’t be the superior, since you snuck into your father’s bed and defiled it.

Simeon and Levi, you guys are brothers, and your swords are instruments of violence. Don’t let my soul seek advice from you guys, and don’t let my empire be allied with your group, because you murdered people in your anger and you slashed animals just for fun. Your anger is cursed because of how fierce it is, and so is your rage because of how harsh it is. I’ll split you guys up and scatter you in Israel.

Judah, your brothers will show how much they admire you. Your hand will grip the neck of your enemies, and the rest of your brothers will bow to you. You’re a lion cub that just met it’s prey, my son. Who would ever dare to confront you? Because you’re like a lion that crouches and lays down. You’ll never lose the ruler’s scepter or the decree-making power until the one comes who it belongs to. Then everyone will obey that person. He’ll tie his adult donkey to the vine and his young donkey to the best vine. He washes his clothes in wine and his robes in grapes’ blood. His eyes will be darker than wine and his teeth whiter than milk.

Zebulun, you’ll live on the sea’s coast and harbor lots of ships with your side facing Sidon [a place on the Mediterranean coast, north of Tyre].

Issachar, you’re a strong donkey who lies down between two fireplaces. After finding a good resting place and seeing that the land was pleasant, he lowered his shoulder to carry burdens and became a slave of forced labor.

Dan, you’ll serve as the judge for your people, as one of Israel’s branches. You’ll be a snake in the road—a horned snake on the path that bites the horse’s heels, causing its rider to fall backward. I look forward to your salvation, oh Existing One.

Gad, you’ll be attacked by raiders, but you’ll strike back at their heels.

Asher, your food will be rich. You’ll produce delicacies fit for royalty.

Naphtali, you’re a deer that has been set free. You string together such beautiful words.

Joseph, you’re a productive son. Your kids also seem productive and leap over walls. Archers bitterly attacked you, shooting at you with hatred, but your bow remained steady, and your arms remained nimble because of Jacob’s Mighty One. He’s the Shepherd and Israel’s Rock. Your father’s God supports you, and the supreme God blesses you with blessings from heaven above. He gives you blessings from the deep beneath, like the blessings that a mother gives from her breast and womb. As your father, I’ve received blessings far greater than any I could ever bestow—blessings that extend all the way to the mountains of eternity. May those blessings be on your head, and crown the consecrated one among the brothers.

Benjamin, you’re a ravenous wolf. In the morning you devours your prey, and in the evening you collects the loot.”

Those are the 12 tribes of Israel, and that’s what their father told each of them when he blessed them. He blessed each of them however he saw fit.

Israel Dies

Then charged them, saying,

“I’m about to join my ancestors. Bury me with my forefathers in the cave at Ephron’s field. The cave is located in Machpelah, Canaan before you get to Mamre. Abraham bought that cave and surrounding field from Ephron the Hittite to use as a burial site. That’s where Abraham and his wife Sarah were buried along with Isaac and his wife Rebekah. I buried Leah there too. Our family bought that field and cave from Heth’s sons.”

When Jacob finished his speech, he pulled his feet back into bed, gave up his spirit, and joined his ancestors.


Genesis 50


Genesis 48