Genesis 33

Jacob & Esau Reunite

Then Jacob looked out and saw Esau approaching with 400 men, so he divided his kids up between Leah, Rachel, and the two maids. He put the maids and their children in the front, with Leah and her kids next, keeping Rachel and Joseph in the back. Jacob went ahead of all of them and as he approached his brother he bowed to the ground 7 times.

Esau ran over and threw himself into Jacob arms. He greeted Jacob with a kiss, and the two brothers cried together. When Esau noticed the women and children approaching, he asked,

“Who are all these people with you?”

Jacob answered,

“These are my kids who God graciously gave your servant.”

When the maids arrived with their kids, they bowed to Esau. Leah and her kids did the same when they got there and so did Rachel and Joseph.

Esau Accepts Jacob’s Gifts

Esau asked,

“What are all those gifts for?”

Jacob answered,

“So that you might not hate me, my superior.”

But Esau said,

“I already have plenty, my brother. Keep it all for yourself.”

Jacob said,

“No, please, if you favor me, then accept my gifts, because seeing you now feels like having a face-to-face encounter with God, and I’m in awe that you don’t hate me. Please accept my my gift, because God has favored me and I have everything I could ever want.”

So Esau accepted it because Jacob insisted. 

Esau Departs

Then Esau said,

“Alright, let’s head out. I’ll lead the way.”

But Jacob said,

“My superior, my kids are delicate and I’m concerned about my animals that are nursing. If I push them too hard in one day, they won’t make it. Please go on ahead of your servant, and I’ll follow behind you at a slower pace for my children and animals. I’ll meet you at Seir.”

Esau said,

“Ok then, but let me leave you with some of my people.”

Jacob said,

“I appreciate that, but what would we need them for? We’ll be fine without them, if that’s okay with you.”

So Esau started heading back to Seir that day.

Jacob Builds a Home

Jacob traveled to Succoth [which means “booths”] where he built himself a house and stables [or “booths”] for his animals. That’s why that place is named Succoth.

So Jacob safely traveled from Paddan-aram [Syria] to the city of Shechem in the region of Canaan. [Shechem means “back/shoulder” and was located 34 miles north of Jerusalem.] He set up camp near the city and bought the land he settled on. He bought it from Hamor’s sons (one of which was named Shechem) for 100 units of currency. He also set up an altar there and named it “The Mighty God of Israel.”


Genesis 34


Genesis 32