Genesis 12

God Says He’ll Give Abram Canaan

The Existing One told Abram,

“Leave your land and your family, and go to a different region which I’ll show you. I’ll turn you into a great country. I’ll bless you and make your name famous. You’ll be a blessing. I’ll bless whoever blesses you and curse whoever curses you.”

So Abram set out on a journey like the Existing One told him to. Abram was 75 years old when he left Haran, and he took his wife Sarai, his nephew Lot, all their belongings, and everyone they had acquired in Haran, and left for Canaan. Abram traveled as far as Shechem [34 miles north of Jerusalem] where the Canaanites lived. The Existing One appeared to Abram there and said, 

“I’ll give this region to your descendants.”

So Abram built an altar to the Existing One there then traveled to the mountain east of Bethel [which means “God’s house”]. He pitched his tent there with Bethel to his west and Ai to his east. [Ai is a city east of the Jordan which means “heap of ruins.”] He built an altar there and proclaimed the Existing One’s name then set out toward Negev [south Judah].

Pharaoh Marries Abram’s Wife

There was a massive famine throughout the region, so Abram went to Egypt to stay there for a while. As he approached Egypt he told his wife Sarai,

“When the Egyptians see how beautiful you are, they’ll think you’re my wife and kill me. Please tell them you’re my sister so they’ll spare my life.”

When they got to Egypt, everyone noticed Sarai’s beauty. Egypt’s officials told Pharaoh about her, and she was taken into Pharaoh’s house. He treated Abram well because of her and gave him sheep, oxen, donkeys, camels, male servants, and female servants. 

But the Existing One struck Pharaoh and his household with an intense sickness because of Sarai. So Pharaoh called Abram and said,

“Why did you do this to me? Why didn’t you tell me that she was your wife? Why did you say she was your sister and let me marry her? Take your wife back and get out of here.”

Pharaoh ordered his men to escort Abram away with his wife and all his belongings.


Genesis 13


Genesis 11