Exodus 33

God says he won’t accompany Israel on their journey because he might destroy them

Then the Existing One told Moses,

“Take everyone you brought out of Egypt and go to the region I promised to give Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob’s descendants. I’ll send one of my representatives ahead of you and drive out the Canaanites, Amorites, Hittites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusites. Go to the territory that is gushing with honey and milk. I won’t accompany you on your journey because if I did I might destroy you because of how difficult you are.

“Also, take off your jewelry so I’ll know what to do with you.”

When the Israelites heard that miserable news, they mourned and didn’t put on their jewelry after their time at Mount Horeb. 

God and Moses spoke like friends

The meeting room tent was always set up a good distance outside of camp, so whenever anyone wanted to consult the Existing One, they would have to go outside the camp. Whenever Moses would go out to the meeting room everyone else would stand at the doors of their own tents and watch until Moses had entered the meeting room. After entering the meeting room the cloud column would come down and stay on the meeting room while the Existing One spoke with Moses. When everyone would see the cloud column stationed at the meeting room, they would all go to the doors of their tents and bow down. The Existing One would talk with Moses face to face like two friends. When Moses would return to the camp, his servant Joshua (Nun’s son who was still a young man) would stay at the tent. 

Moses convinces God to accompany Israel

Moses went to the meeting room and told the Existing One,

“You told me to lead these people, but you didn’t say who you’d be sending with me. You also said that you knew me by name and that you view me favorably. If you really do view me favorably, then show me your ways so I can know you and can continue to find your favor. Also take into consideration that these people are yours.”

God said,

“Ok, fine. I’ll travel with you and stay with you.”

Moses said,

“Don’t send us away from here if you aren’t coming with us. How else will everyone know that you view your people and me favorably? The thing that distinguishes us from all the other countries is the way you walk with us, isn’t it?”

The Existing One told Moses,

“I’ll grant your request, because you’ve found favor in my sight, and I’ve known you by name.”

God shows himself to Moses

Then Moses said,

“Please, show me your richness!”

God said,

“I’ll have my goodness pass in front of you, and I’ll proclaim the Existing One’s glory to you. I’ll show favor to whoever I want and I’ll show compassion to whoever I want. But you won’t be able to see my face, because no human being can see me and live. Go stand on that nearby rock and I’ll put you in the rock’s crevice and cover you with my hand while my splendor passes by you. Then I’ll take away my hand and you’ll see my back but not my face.”


Exodus 34


Exodus 32