Exodus 3

Moses encounters God in a burning bush

As Moses was shepherding the flock for his father-in-law Jethro (Midian’s priest), he brought them through the uninhabited land to God’s mountain, Horeb [Mount Sinai]. The Existing One’s messenger appeared to him in a flame from the middle of a bush. Moses inspected the bush, and sure enough, it was burning with flames yet wasn’t being burnt. So Moses said,

“I need to get a closer look at this incredible phenomenon and find out why this bush isn’t burning up.”

When the Existing One saw Moses approaching, God called him from the middle of the bush, saying,

“Moses! Moses!”

Moses said,

“Yes? That’s me.”

Then God said,

“Don’t come any closer. Take off your shoes, because this land is different. I’m your parents’ God, Abraham’s God, Isaac’s God, and Jacob’s God.”

Then Moses hid his face because he was afraid to look at God.

God tells Moses to lead Israel out of Egypt

The Existing One continued,

“I’ve seen the misery of my people in Egypt, and heard their cries brought on by their taskmasters. I understand their pain, so I’ve come down to snatch them out of the Egyptians’ hands and lift them up out of that country and into a good country. This new country will be an expansive place gushing with honey and milk. It’s the country where the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusites live. Now look, the cries of Israel’s descendants have reached me, and I’ve seen the way that the Egyptians are oppressing them.’

“So go from here and I’ll send you to Pharaoh so you can bring my people, Israel’s descendants, out of Egypt.”

But Moses asked God,

“Who am I to be going to Pharaoh and bringing Israel’s descendants out of Egypt?”

God answered,

“You’re right about that, but that’s why I will be with you. And just to prove that I’m the one sending you, after you bring the people out of Egypt, you’ll return to this mountain and start working for another God.”

Moses said,

“Okay, so I’ll visit Israel’s descendants and tell them that their ancestors’ God sent me. What if they ask me what his name is? What should I tell them?”

God answered Moses,

I Exist Since I Exist. So you can tell Israel’s descendants that the Existing One has sent you to them. Tell Israel’s descendants,

‘The Existing One, your parents’ God, Abraham’s God, Isaac’s God, and Jacob’s God has sent me to you.’

“That’s my name perpetually, and it’s how I’ll be remembered forever. Go gather Israel’s elders and tell them that the Existing One, their parents’ God, Abraham’s God, Isaac’s God, and Jacob’s God appeared to you, saying,

‘I see you, and I see what they’ve done to you in Egypt. I’ll lift you up out of Egypt’s affliction to the land of the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusites where the land gushes with honey and milk.’

“They’ll listen to you. Then you and Israel’s elders will visit Pharaoh and tell him,

‘The Existing One, the Hebrews’ God, encountered with us, so please allow us take a 3-day journey into the uninhabited land so that we can sacrifice to the Existing One our God.’

“But I know that Pharaoh won’t let you go unless something really compelling happens, so I’ll stretch out my hand and strike Egypt with all my marvels. After I perform my marvels in their midst, he’ll send you off. I’ll cause this nation to be viewed favorably by the Egyptians so that when you leave you won’t go empty-handed. All your women will ask their neighbors for silver, gold, and clothing which will then be put on your own children. You’ll loot the Egyptians like that.”


Exodus 4


Exodus 2