Exodus 25

God tells Israel to build him a sacred place to live among them

Then the Existing One told Moses,

“Tell the Israelites to collect donations for me from whoever feels compelled in his heart to give. Accept contributions like gold, silver, bronze, purple, blue, and scarlet material, fine linen, goat hair, ram skins dyed red, leather, acacia wood, lamp oil, spices for ceremonial oil and incense, and onyx stones and jewels for the priest’s clothes and breastplate. Have them build me a sacred place so I can live in their midst. I’ll show you the construction plans for the dwelling place and all its artifacts so that all you’ll need to do is build it. 

Blueprints for sacred chest

“Have them build a chest out of acacia wood 3.75 feet long, 2.25 feet wide, and 2.25 feet tall. Overlay it with pure gold inside and out and make a gold molding all around it. Cast four gold rings for it and fasten them to its four lower corners—two rings on one side, and two on the other. Then make poles out of acacia wood and overlay them with gold. Slide the poles into the rings, and use them to carry the chest. Leave the poles in the rings; don’t ever take them out. I’ll give you a document that you’ll need to keep in the chest. 

“You’ll also need to make a slab of pure gold that measures 3.75’ x 2.25’ and two ornate, golden angels to mount on both sides of the slab. Make the angels out of one piece to stretch across the golden slab. Have the angels’ wings stretching upward and facing each other and the golden slab to cover it. Then put the golden slab on top of the chest, and put the document I give you inside it. I’ll meet with you there between the two angels and tell you all the instructions I have for Israel.

Blueprints for table

“Make a table out of acacia wood that measures 3’ x 1.5’ and is 2.25’ tall. Overlay it with pure gold and give it a golden trim. Make a 4” border around it with a gold rim. Then make 4 gold rings and fasten them to its bottom corners. The rings need to be close to the rim so they can house the poles for carrying the table. Make the poles out of acacia wood and overlay them with gold. Also make bowls, jars, and cups out of pure gold for pouring. Always keep some food of the aura set out on the table.

Blueprints for lampstand

“Then you’ll need to make a lampstand out of pure gold. The lampstand, its base, and its shaft need to be hammered out of one piece along with its cups, bulbs, and flowers. Craft it with six branches shooting out from the sides of its shaft: three on one side, and three on the other. Each branch should have 3 cups shaped like flower blossoms. The lampstand itself should also have 4 flowerlike cups. The shaft needs to have 3 bulbs on it so that each pair of branches can sprout out from one of these bulbs. The entire lampstand needs to be hammered out from a single chunk of pure gold. Put seven lights on it so that it illuminates the area in front of it. All of its snuffers and trays need to be pure gold too. Make sure you craft them according to the blueprints I showed you on the mountain.


Exodus 26


Exodus 24