Exodus 22

Make amends when damaging another’s property

“If someone steals an animal and slaughters it or sells it, he should pay back the owner 5 times its value for a cow, and 4 times its value for the sheep. 

“If a thief is caught during a robbery and is killed, the killer won’t be guilty. But if anyone retaliates the next day after the sun has risen, that person will be guilty. The thief will need to make amends. If he doesn’t own anything, then he himself should be sold for his theft. If the stolen goods are found in tact within his possession, he should pay back double what he stole. 

“If someone runs out of grass on his property and lets his animals loose to feed on someone else’s property, the offender should make amends by giving the best products of his own field and vineyard.

“If someone’s fire breaks out and burns someone else’s grain, whoever started the fire should make amends.

“If one person gives his money or goods to someone else to keep for him but the property gets stolen, then the thief will have to pay back double what he stole if he’s caught. Then the person who was watching the property should appear in court so the judges can determine if he was the one who stole the owner’s property. Every time stolen goods are identified, both parties will need to appear in court and whoever the judges convict should pay double to his fellow citizen.

“If someone gives an animal to someone else to keep for him but the animal dies, is hurt, or disappears, then they’ll both need to swear before the Existing One that they didn’t steal the other man’s property. The owner should accept the oath and accept the loss. But if the property turns out to be stolen, then the thief should make amends to its owner. If the animal was killed in the field, then it should be presented as evidence, and the owner should accept the loss.

“If someone borrows something from his neighbor and loses or breaks it when the owner isn’t around, then the borrower should make amends. If the owner was there when it broke, then no amends will need to be made. If the item was rented, no amends will need to be made because the damage was covered by its rental fee.

“If a man seduces a young lady who isn’t engaged and sleeps with her, he should buy her from her father and marry her. If her father refuses to give her to the man, the man will still need to pay the father the amount it would have cost to buy her as a wife.

Keep Israel pure by executing criminals

“Don’t allow sorcerers to live. 

“Whoever sleeps with an animal should be executed.

“Whoever makes a sacrifice to any god besides the Existing One should be eliminated.

Help disadvantaged people

“Don’t mistreat foreigners or oppress them, because you were foreigners in Egypt. Don’t oppress anyone who’s an orphan or widow. If you oppress them at all and they cry out to me, I’ll listen to their request. I’ll also be angry and kill you with a sword so that your wives will become widows and your children will become orphans.

“If you lend money to the poor, don’t charge them interest like the bank would. If you ever take someone else’s jacket as collateral give it back to him before the sun sets, because that’s the only way he can stay warm. How would he sleep without it? And when he cries out to me, I’ll hear him, because I’m gracious. 

Stay set apart for God

“You shouldn’t take God lightly nor put a curse on one of your country’s leaders.

“You shouldn’t move sluggishly when offering me your produce and wine. You should give me your firstborn sons, firstborn cows, and firstborn sheep. Let the baby be with his mother for 7 days and then give him to me on the 8th day.

“You’ll be people who are set apart for me, so don’t eat any meat that was killed in the wild. You can just feed the dogs with it.


Exodus 23


Exodus 21