Exodus 19

God will treasure Israel if they follow him

The Israelites left Rephidim and on their three month anniversary from leaving Egypt, they arrived at the Sinai wasteland. They camped there right in front of the mountain, and Moses climbed up it to God. The Existing One called to him from the mountain and gave him this message for Israel’s descendants and Jacob’s family:

“You saw what I did to the Egyptians and how I carried you away on eagles’ wings and brought you to myself. So if you listen to what I say and keep my alliance then I’ll treasure you more highly than all the other nations, (because the entire earth is mine). You’ll be my empire of priests—a differentiated country.”

So Moses returned, gathered the elders, and told them what the Existing One had said. They unanimously agreed,

“Let’s do everything the Existing One has said.”

God descends on Mount Sinai

When Moses went back and delivered their response to the Existing One, God said,

“I’ll visit you in a thick cloud so that they’ll be able to hear what I tell you and so that they’ll always trust you.”

Moses told everyone what the Existing One said, but God also told Moses,

“Go to the people and set them apart by having them wash their clothes today and tomorrow in preparation for the third day. On the third day the Existing One will descend on Mount Sinai for all of them to see. Setup boundaries for them around the perimeter and tell them not to climb the mountain or touch its borders, because whoever does will die. If anyone touches it, he’ll be pelted with rocks as an example. Whether it’s an animal or person, he won’t survive. They won’t be able to climb the mountain again until after the long trumpet blast.”

So Moses went back down the mountain and set the people apart and had them wash their clothes. He told them to get ready for the third day and to refrain from approaching any women. 

On the morning of the third day there was a heavy cloud on the mountain with lightning and thunder, and a trumpet sounded so loudly that everyone in the camp trembled. Then Moses left everyone in the camp to encounter God as everyone else stayed at the foot of the mountain. 

At that point Mount Sinai was completely covered in smoke because the Existing One came down to it in fire. It was smoking like a furnace and the entire mountain quaked violently. When the sound of the trumpet grew louder and louder, Moses spoke and God audibly responded. The Existing One descended to the top Mount Sinai, and he called Moses up to its peak. Moses climbed up and the Existing One told him,

“Go down and caution the Israelites to avoid looking at the Existing One so they don’t fall on the ground. Also make sure that the priests who approach the Existing One are set apart so that the Existing One doesn’t burst out among them.”

Moses told the Existing One,

“But you already told us they couldn’t come up here when you cautioned us to set up the boundaries.”

The Existing One told him,

“Go down and bring Aaron back up with you, but don’t let the priests or anyone else come or I will burst out among them.” 

So Moses went down and told them.


Exodus 20


Exodus 18