Exodus 11

God says Israelites will plunder Egypt

Then the Existing One told Moses,

“I’ll bring one more affliction on Pharaoh and Egypt, and after that he’ll release you. When he releases you, he’ll kick you out for good. Tell every Israelite man and woman to ask their neighbors for artifacts of silver and gold.”

The Existing One caused the Egyptians to view the Israelites favorably and Moses was highly esteemed throughout Egypt (both by Pharaoh’s servants and the Israelites). 

God will kill Egypt’s oldest children

Moses told everyone that the Existing One said,

“In the middle of the night I’ll move through Egypt, and everyone who’s an oldest child will be put to death. That includes the oldest child of Pharaoh who sits on the throne, all the way down to the oldest child of the slave girl in the wheat factory. All the livestock who were born first will die too. Egypt will cry more deeply than it ever has before or ever will again. But not even a dog from Israel’s descendants will whimper. I’ll do that so you’ll see how the Existing One distinguishes between Egypt and Israel. All of Egypt’s servants will shrink beneath me, bow down to me, and beg me to take all my followers and leave.”

Then Moses left Pharaoh’s presence burning with anger.

God prevents Pharaoh from listening so he can do more miracles

Then the Existing One told Moses,

“Pharaoh won’t listen to you, so that my miracles will multiply throughout the country of Egypt.”

Moses and Aaron brought about all these miracles in front of Pharaoh, yet the Existing One stiffened Pharaoh’s heart, and he didn’t release Israel’s descendants from his country.


Exodus 12


Exodus 10