Esther 8

King Ahasuerus lets Mordecai send a new edict

On that same day King Ahasuerus took Haman’s house (which had belonged to the Jews’ enemy) and gave it to Queen Esther. Esther revealed Mordecai’s relationship to her, so he was summoned before the king. The king took off his signet ring (which he had taken back from Haman) and gave it to Mordecai. Esther gave Mordecai authority over Haman’s house.

Then Esther talked to the king again, falling at his feet, weeping and begging him to revoke the evil plan that Haman (the Agagite) had devised against the Jews. The king held out his golden scepter to Esther, so she stood up and said, “If you care about me and if it seems right to you, please revoke the edict that Haman (the Agagite, son of Hammedatha) sent out to destroy the Jews in your kingdom. How am I supposed to watch the calamity that is coming to my people? How am I supposed to watch the destruction of my own kindred?”

King Ahasuerus said to Esther and Mordecai, “As you can see, I’ve given Haman’s house to Esther, and they’ve hanged him on the gallows because of his intentions to kill the Jews. You may write a decree however you want about the Jews and seal it with my ring so that no one will be able to revoke it.”

Then the king’s scribes were summoned on the 23rd day of the 3rd month (the month of Sivan). They wrote an edict for the Jews which said exactly what Mordecai wanted. It was addressed to the officials, governors, and leaders of the provinces from India to Ethiopia (127 provinces). Each letter was written in the language of its destination province as well as in the Jewish language. He wrote it on behalf of King Ahasuerus and sealed it with the king’s signet ring. Then he sent the letters by mail couriers on the fastest horses bred from the royal horse. The decree allowed the Jews in every city to gather and defend their lives, giving them permission to destroy, kill, and annihilate any armed force that tries to attack them. It also gave them permission to loot their attacker’s goods on the the 13th day of the 12th month (the month of Adar). A copy of the decree was issued in every province, publicly displayed to everyone, and the Jews were to be ready to take vengeance on their enemies when that day came. So the mail couriers mounted their horses and rode out quickly like the king had ordered them. And the decree was also issued in the Susa citadel.

Mordecai is honored, Jews party

Then Mordecai left the king’s presence wearing royal clothes that were blue and white with a huge golden crown and a fine purple linen robe while the whole city of Susa cheered and celebrated. The Jews were filled with gladness, cheer, and dignity. The Jews in every city of every province had a giant party to celebrate. Many people even claimed to be Jewish, because everyone had become afraid of them.


Esther 9


Esther 7