2 Peter 3

(1) Remember What Jesus and the Prophets Said

Loved ones, this is the second letter I’m writing you for the purpose of stirring up your singularly-focused minds. I just wanted to remind you of what the sacred prophets said long ago as well as the Master’s instructions, which have been relayed by your missionaries. 

(3) God will Destroy the World with Fire

The first thing you should know is that in the final hour, people will mock and laugh as they chase after their own desires. They’ll say,

“What ever happened to the promise of Jesus’s arrival? Since the time of our ancestors, everything has just continued the same way it always has since the beginning of creation.”

When that’s the viewpoint they want to have, they fail to see that it was God’s intent which was sustaining the universe’s existence long ago. The world was formed out of water [primordial soup], and then it was destroyed by water in Noah’s flood. But these days, God intent is reserving the world (and universe) for fire! He’s reserving them for the day when the ungodly will be assessed and destroyed. 

(8) God Patiently Waits for More People to Change

But don’t overlook this one fact, loved ones:

to the Ruler, one day is like 1,000 years, and 1,000 years is like a day.

The Ruler isn’t slow about keeping His promise in the way that some people think about slowness—He’s actually being patient with you! He doesn’t want anyone to pass away; He wants for everyone to change their mindsets. 

(10) The Universe will Melt Away

The Ruler’s day will come like a bandit—and when it does, the universe will pass away with a roar as its elements melt away, and the world burns up along with all its accomplishments. 

(11) Look Forward to the New Universe

Because the universe will be destroyed like that, then what kind of people should we be? We should conduct ourselves in a God-like way that’s dedicated to Him. We should look forward to God’s day with anticipation and help it get here faster! Even though God’s day will burn the universe and melt the elements, His promise [in Isaiah 65:17] has us waiting for a new universe and a new world where rightness lives. 

(14) Grow Closer with God

So, loved ones, since you’re looking forward to these things, do everything you can to be at peace with God, unstained and blameless. View the Ruler’s patience as the rescue plan.

Our dear brother Paul said the same thing in his letter to you, thanks to the wisdom that’s been given to him. He writes about these topics in all his letters, but sometimes these topics are hard to understand. Unfortunately, people who are untaught and unsettled distort these topics to their own detriment (like they do with the rest of the sacred texts).

So, loved ones, now that you know this, you should watch out. That way, when you see people violating their own consciences and violating the laws of nature, you won’t be led astray by their mistakes and fall from your own stance. Instead, you should grow in your relationship with Jesus and grow in favor with Him, since He’s our Ruler and Rescuer.

May Jesus receive the credit, both now and to the day of eternity!


Malachi 1


2 Peter 2