2 Chronicles 21

Jehoram takes Judah’s throne, kills brothers

Jehoshaphat slept in the ground with his forefathers and was buried with them in David's city. His son Jehoram took the throne in his place. His brothers were: Azariah, Jehiel, Zechariah, Azariah, Michael, and Shephatiah (who were all Israel's King Jehoshaphat's sons). Their father gave them magnificent gifts like silver, gold, and valuables along with Judah's fortified cities, but he gave the kingdom to Jehoram since he was the firstborn. When Jehoram was established on his father's throne, he killed all his brothers and some of Israel's princes with the sword. Jehoram was 32 years old when he became king, and he reigned for eight years from Jerusalem. He lived like Israel's former kings, doing what was evil in the Existing One's sight like Ahab had done (and he even married Ahab's daughter). Yet the Existing One didn't want to destroy David's lineage because he had promised David to give a lamp to him and his ancestors forever.

Judah’s territories revolt

While he was king, Edom revolted from Judah's rule and established a king of their own. So in the night Jehoram's military struck the Edomites who had surrounded them. That's why Edom revolted from Judah's rule even to this day. Around that same time Libnah also revolted from his rule since he had abandoned his forefathers's God the Existing One.

Elijah prophesies Jehoram’s bowel disease

What's even worse is that he made shrines in Judah's hillside country and led Judah astray into whoredom. Elijah the prophet sent him a letter saying, "Your ancestor David's God the Existing One says, 'You haven't lived like your father Jehoshaphat or Judah's King Asa. Instead, you've lived like Israel's kings, enticing Judah into whoredom just like Ahab did with Israel. You've also killed your own brothers who were better than you. Because you've chosen to live like that, the Existing One will bring a great plague upon your people, your children, your wives, your possessions, and you yourself will contract a bowel disease that will be so severe that your intestines will come out day after day."

Enemies steal Jehoram’s wives & children

And the Existing One stirred up the Philistines and the Arabians (near the Ethiopia) to come against Jehoram. They invaded Judah and took all his valuables, his sons, and his wives. Every single one of his sons were taken except his youngest son Jehoahaz.

Jehoram dies from bowel disease

After all that, the Existing One struck him with an incurable bowel disease. Over the next two years, the disease caused his bowels to come out, and he died an agonizing death. His people didn't even make a fire in his honor like they did for his forefathers. He was 32 years old when his reign began, and he reigned for a total of eight years from Jerusalem. When he died, the buried him in David's city, but not in the kings's tombs, and no one missed him.


2 Chronicles 22


2 Chronicles 20