2 Chronicles 19

Jehu challenges Jehoshaphat

Judah's King Jehoshaphat returned safely back to Jerusalem. Jehu (Hanani the seer's son) went to meet him and said, “Why are you helping the wicked and loving the people who hate the Existing One? Because of this, the Existing One is angry with you. Nevertheless, there is still some good in you since you removed the Asheroth from the country and your heart has determined to seek God.”

Jehoshaphat reforms Judah with judges

Even though Jehoshaphat lived in Jerusalem, he visited the people from Beersheba to the hillside of Ephraim bringing them back the Existing One, the God of their forefathers. He appointed judges all throughout the country and in all of Judah's fortified cities, telling them, “Be mindful of what you do, because you aren't judging for man, but for the Existing One. He is with you in pronouncing judgment, so let him strike fear in your hearts. Be careful with your actions, because our God the Existing One never serves injustice, doesn't have favorites, and can't be bribed.”

Jehoshaphat warns judges to deal justly

On top of that, Jehoshaphat appointed certain Levites, priests, and patriarchs to pronounce judgment and decide disputed cases on the Existing One's behalf. They were stationed in Jerusalem. And he told them: “Fear the Existing One, remain faithful, and put your entire heart into your work. Whenever your brothers bring a case to you concerning bloodshed, laws, orders, or rules, you should warn them to avoid disobeying the Existing One's orders. If you warn them, then you and your brothers might avoid the wrath, and your conscience will be free of guilt. You will report to Amariah (the chief priest) for everything concerning the Existing One, and you'll report to Zebadiah (Ishmael's son: the governor of Judah's house) for everything concerning the king. The Levites will serve as your officers. Serve courageously, and may the Existing One be with the upright!”


2 Chronicles 20


2 Chronicles 18