2 Chronicles 16

King Asa asks Syria for help against Israel

In the 36th year of Asa's reign, Israel's King Baasha opposed Judah and built Ramah to prevent people from entering and leaving Judah. Asa took the silver and gold from the Existing One's house and the king's palace and sent them to Syria's King Ben-hadad in Damascus saying, "You have an alliance with me like you did with my father. Look at all the silver and gold I'm sending you. Go break your alliance with Israel's King Baasha so that he'll withdraw from Judah." So Ben-hadad listened to King Asa and sent his military against Israel and conquered Ijon, Dan, Abel-maim, and the store cities in Naphtali. When Baasha saw this, he stopped building Ramah. Then King Asa sent everyone from Judah to carry away the stones and timber Baasha was using to build Ramah, and he used them to build Geba and Mizpah.

Seer tells Asa he should have depended on God

At that time Hanani (the seer) came to Judah's King Asa and told him, "Since you relied on Syria's king instead of your God the Existing One, Syria's king and army has escaped you. Even though the Ethiopians and Libyans had a massive army of chariots and horsemen, the Existing One handed them over to you because you relied on him. The Existing One's eyes look back and forth throughout the whole world to give strong support to those whose heart is blameless toward him. Your actions were foolish, because now you'll have wars." Then Asa was outraged at the seer and threw him in prison. He also treated some of the people cruelly.

Asa dies, depending on man rather than God

The rest of Asa's history, from beginning to end is recorded in the book of the Kings of Judah and Israel. He had a foot disease, and in the 39th year of his reign, it became severe. Even in his disease, he refused to seek the Existing One, but sought help from doctors instead. Asa eventually slept in the ground with his forefathers, dying in the 41st year of his reign. They buried him in the tomb he had made for himself in David's city. They laid him on a stretcher that was filled with perfumer's spices, and they made a huge fire in his honor.


2 Chronicles 17


2 Chronicles 15