1 Chronicles 23


David assigns responsibilities to Levites regarding temple

In David's old age, he made his son Solomon king over Israel.

David assembled all of Israel's leaders, the priests, and the Levites. There were 38,000 Levite men who were thirty or older. David said

  • "24,000 of these will be in charge of the Existing One's house

  • 6,000 will be officers and judges,

  • 4,000 will be gatekeepers,

  • 4,000 will offer praises to the Existing One with instruments."

And David divided them up according to Levi's sons: Gershon, Kohath, and Merari.

[Levi’s Descendants]

These were Levi's descendants who were at least 20 years old, grouped by patriarch. They were assigned to work for the Existing One's house. David said, "Israel's God the Existing One has given his people rest, and he lives in Jerusalem forever. The Levites can finally stop carrying around the tabernacle and all of its things." According to David's last words, all the Levites who were at least 20 years old were counted. It was their responsibility to help Aaron's offspring in taking care of the Existing One's house, tending to the courtyards and rooms, cleaning all the sacred objects, and doing anything else God's house needed. They were also responsible for helping with the showbread, the flour involved in the grain offering, the unleavened bread, the baked offering, the offering mixed with oil, and measuring all the quantities involved. They were assigned to stand there thanking and praising the Existing One every morning, evening, and whenever burnt offerings were presented to the Existing One (like on the Sabbaths, new moons, and holidays). They did this regularly in front of the Existing One, according to the number that was required of them. So they were in charge of the meeting tent, the sanctuary, and taking care of Aaron's descendants, all in service to the Existing One's house.


1 Chronicles 24


1 Chronicles 22