1 Chronicles 16


David brings in God's ark

They brought God's ark inside the tent David set up for it, and they presented burnt offerings and peace offerings to to God. When David finished the offerings, he blessed the people in the Existing One's honor and gave a loaf of bread, a portion of meat, and a raisin cake to everyone in Israel (both men and women).

David appoints keepers of God's ark

Then he appointed some Levites to tend to the Existing One's ark: to appeal to, thank, and applaud the Existing One, Israel's God. Asaph was the leader, and under him were Zechariah, Jeiel, Shemiramoth, Jehiel, Mattithiah, Eliab, Benaiah, Obed-edom, and Jeiel, who played the musical instruments. Asaph sounded the cymbals. Benaiah and Jahaziel the priests blew trumpets regularly for the ark of God's covenant. Then on that day David ordered that Asaph and his brothers sing songs to thank the Existing One.

David's thankful song

Thank the Existing One,
call his name,
tell everyone about what he's done!
Celebrate him with songs,
proclaim the wonderful things he's done!
Savor his sacred identity,
look for the Existing One, and find pleasure!
Look for the Existing One and his strength,
chase after his company continually!
Remember the wonderful things he's done,
both the miracles and the devastation.
Oh, offspring of Israel his servant,
children of Jacob, his chosen ones!

He is the Existing One our God;
his judgments fill the earth.
Always remember the commitment he made,
the thing he said for a thousand generations,
the commitment he made with Abraham,
the promise he swore to Isaac,
which he solidified in a contract with Jacob,
to Israel with an unending contract,
saying, "I'll give you the land of Canaan, as your piece of the inheritance."

When there were only a few of you,
not many, and only visitors,
wandering from nation to nation,
from one country to another country,
he didn't let anyone oppress them,
he denied kings on their behalf, saying, "Don't touch my chosen ones,
don't hurt my prophets!"

The entire world: sing to the Existing One!
Proclaim how he saves us every single day.
Declare his magnificence to all the nations,
his incredible acts to every human being!
The Existing One is magnificent, and should be commended magnificently,
He commands more fear than any other god.
Everyone else's gods are just worthless statues,
but the Existing One made the sky, the universe, and heaven.
Splendor and majesty pave the way in front of him,
Strength and happiness stand beside him.

Credit the Existing One, oh families,
credit the Existing One with majesty and might!
Credit the Existing One with the glory he deserves,
bring an offering and come to him!
Worship the Existing One in the richness of his holiness,
The whole earth trembles in front of him,
yes, the world is established and will never move.
Let the universe be thrilled, and let the earth celebrate,
Let them tell the nations, "The Existing One reigns!"
Let the oceans roar along with everything inside it,
let the fields exalt along with everything in them!
Then the trees of the forest will sing joyfully before the Existing One,
because he comes to assess the earth.
Thank the Existing One, because he is good,
His steady love never runs out!

Say also:

Save us, oh God who rescues,
Bring us together and rescue us from the other nations,
so we can thank you and revel in your holiness.
May the Existing One, Israel's God be favored and pleased,
for all of eternity!

Then all the people agreed and made much of the Existing One.

Worship in front of the Ark

So David appointed Asaph and his brothers to tend to the ark of the Existing One's commitment as was required each day. Obed-edom and his 68 brothers helped, with Obed-edom (Jeduthun's son) and Hosah as the gatekeepers. He appointed Zadok (the priest) and his brothers (also priests) to the front of the Existing One's tabernacle at Gibeon to give burnt offerings to the Existing One. They did this regularly in the mornings and evenings, according to the law that the Existing One gave to Israel. Heman and Jeduthun joined them along with the others who were appointed to thank the Existing One, since his steady love never ends. Heman and Jeduthun had trumpets and cymbals and instruments for the sacred music. Jeduthun's sons were assigned to the gate.

Then all the people returned to their own houses, and David went home to bless his household.


1 Chronicles 17


1 Chronicles 15