What are my Priorities?

A friend recently showed me an exercise people can use to help realize what their priorities are. It was really simple and easy, but profoundly eye-opening, so I wanted to share it here.

Discover your priorities (exercise)

  1. Print out the Priorities Exercise sheet.

  2. Cut out all the priorities & the three categories (Top Ten, Second Tier, &Third Tier).

  3. Rank and arrange your priorities so that there are 10 under each category.

List of example priorities

  • Comfort

  • Security

  • Safety

  • Happiness

  • Faith

  • Physical Health

  • Creativity

  • Self Image

  • Beauty

  • Inner Peace

  • Finances

  • Fun

  • Pleasure

  • Self Expression

  • Family

The importance of prioritizing

“where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

—Matthew 6:21

Being forced to rank my priorities showed me the kinds of things that my heart treasures, and some of them were a little bit of a wake-up call. This exercise showed me my need to be honest with myself. When I was ranking my priorities, I found that my brain almost wanted to make two lists: one list for how my priorities should be, and one for how my priorities actually were. I found myself ranking some things higher than they should be, while ranking other things lower than they should be. Taking honest inventory of my priorities helped me think about what’s truly important.

Doing this exercise with friends, family members, or a romantic partner can be a great way to get to know them and a good conversation starter.


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