How Noah Represents Jesus

Noah Was Righteous

Genesis 6 says that the world became so full of corruption that God regretted making humanity. But then it says that,

“Noah was a man of character who embodied completeness and walked with God.”

—Genesis 6:9 (Simplified)

Noah was the only good person in a dark, hopeless world.

Noah foreshadowed Christ because Jesus was the only one person to ever live who was completely 100% righteous.

Noah Survived God’s Judgment

God told Noah to make a boat so he could survive God’s judgment. God’s judgment killed everything.

Everything that lived on dry ground and contained the breath of life died.

—Genesis 7:22 (Simplified)

God’s judgment was powerful and it was effective. He wiped out everything that wasn’t on the ark. One day God will bring eternal judgment to everyone who ever lived, but Jesus took on that judgment for believers, and Jesus survived that judgment.

God Saved Noah’s Family

Scripture says that Noah was the only person who was righteous. It doesn’t say that his family members were righteous, yet God protects his family from the flood on behalf of Noah’s righteousness.

God wiped out everything so that Noah and his family were the only ones left.

—Genesis 7:23 (Simplified)

The Bible describes the church as Christ’s wife (bride) and as God’s children. Even though Jesus is the only one who is righteous and the only one who can survive God’s eternal judgment, God protects Jesus’s family on Christ’s behalf. As the church, we are safe because we are one with Jesus.


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