God Views me as His Own Inheritance

God is my inheritance

As a believer, I’ve always understood the concept that God would be my inheritance. After all, when I die I will “inherit” a full portion of God along with all of the good, life-producing attributes he embodies.

It’s really easy to see how God compares to an earthly inheritance. When I go to heaven, I will finally receive God in the same way that I might receive an earthly inheritance if my earthly parent were to pass away.

I am God’s inheritance

As I was going through the Psalms and paraphrasing each chapter to rhyme for the Simple Bible project, I came across a really interesting verse that showed me an entirely new way of understanding this whole “inheritance thing”.

The verse is Psalm 33:12, and it says:

“Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord,
The people whom He has chosen
for His own inheritance.”


According to this verse, this whole “inheritance” concept seems to go both ways: not only is God the inheritance that I get to receive, but I am also the inheritance that God gets to receive. In the same way that I look forward to receiving God as my inheritance when I die, he also looks forward to receiving me when I die!

It’s really obvious that I would be looking forward to receiving MY inheritance, because my inheritance is The Creator of the Universe. But it’s really incredible to think that he also calls me his own inheritance because I am just a plain-old-regular human. I haven’t created any universes, yet God looks forward to receiving me just as much as I look forward to receiving him.


God is my inheritance and I am his inheritance. My relationship with God is like a beautiful love story where I feel so incredibly excited to be with him, and he feels just as incredibly excited to be with me.

Related verses: Psalm 73:26, Psalm 142:5, Deuteronomy 4:20, Isaiah 47:6


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