God Loved Abraham Because He Had Jesus Inside of Him

Abraham had Jesus Inside of Him

In Genesis, God visits Abraham and says,

“You have something inside of you right now that will end up blessing every country in the entire world.

—Genesis 18:18 (Simple Bible)

He was talking about Jesus!

Abraham’s body contained the genes that God would use to create the entire nation of Israel and eventually Jesus.

So in a way, Abraham had Jesus inside of him.

God was Close with Abraham Because Jesus was Inside of Him

In the next verse, God continues telling Abraham,

“The reason why I’ve chosen to be close with you is so you can teach your household and descendants to live to live suitable, upright lives that are aligned with my ways—that way, I can carry out everything I said about you [including blessing the world with Jesus who was inside of him].”

—Genesis 18:19 (Simple Bible)

God had a unique intimacy with Abraham and appeared to him on numerous occasions. The two of them even had many verbal conversations together.

In this passage, God reveals WHY He chose to be so close with Abraham. God wanted Abraham and his descendants to live aligned with God’s ways so that He could pull Jesus out of him. One of the reasons why God loved Abraham was because Jesus existed inside of him.

God is Close to Us if We Have Jesus Inside of Us

God and Abraham had a unique closeness, because Abraham had Jesus inside of him, and if we have Jesus inside of us we can enjoy a similar intimacy with God.

We might not have Jesus’s genes inside of us like Abraham did, but we can have Jesus’s spirit living inside of us, which is even more powerful than his genes. God and Jesus have the closest relationship possible, so if Jesus lives inside of us, then we can enjoy that same closeness with God.

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