25 Questions for Christian Small Group Discussion Leaders

  1. What is the primary way you view God? (Creator, Father, Healer, etc.) And why?

  2. Everyone’s relationship with God is a little bit different. What are some qualities that distinguish your relationship with God?

  3. Have you ever had any experiences or dreams that were supernatural or might’ve been supernatural?

  4. What is your favorite book of the Bible, and what do you like about it?

  5. What is something God has been teaching you lately?

  6. What is one thing you’d like this group to hold you more accountable with?

  7. What do you think is the biggest obstacle that prevents the nonbelievers in your life from becoming a Christian?

  8. What’s your favorite thing about God, and why?

  9. What is something you think the church needs to improve on?

  10. What is something that you think the church does really well?

  11. What is something about Christianity that you wish you understood better?

  12. What has been the most influential experience for your faith?

  13. What’s one way that you see Christ in the person sitting next to you tonight?

  14. What’s one obstacle that has been preventing you from connecting with God lately?

  15. What’s one gift that God has given you that you can use to benefit others?

  16. When was a time that you saw God move in your life or the life of someone close to you?

  17. What’s your favorite thing about being a Christian?

  18. What do you think about the spiritual realm?

  19. What Biblical principles do you think would be most helpful for someone facing depression?

  20. What’s one thing you wish Jesus never said?

  21. Whats the hardest thing about being a Christian?

  22. What’s one way that you want to grow spiritually?

  23. What is something that your heart tends to idolize?

  24. What are some things that you thank God for?

  25. What is one Bible passage that God really spoke to you through? What were your circumstances when he used that scripture?


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